The Comedy of Romeo & Juliet

Where We Say No Way to Tragedy!

The Comedy of Romeo and Juliet is a comedic, queer adaptation of Shakespeare's classic tragedy that finds humor in the flawed hierarchical power structure that denies the young lover's agency. Watch all your favorite characters suffer excruciating physical and emotional torment until they finally find the sweet release of death!

The production was recorded in July 2021 and released digitally to YouTube on December 7th, 2021


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New Works is dedicated towards making accessible theatre that anyone can watch for free.

Watch our show on Youtube by clicking the box below.


Show Gallery

See some stills from the show of your favorite characters and scenes

Help Support Us

To make sure we are able to reach the communities we want in San Antonio - we are raising money to fund this show & to be able to perform it around the city.

Any money you can give will go a long way towards achieving our goal of providing accessible theatre to San Antonio.

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