New Semester Classes, New Shows, and More Impact in San Antonio

New Works is Newer Than Ever

Our 'New Works Newer Than Ever' Fundraising Campaign is a thrilling journey to raise $15,000, propelling New Works SA into a new era of theater education. With your support, we'll provide our students with semester-long classes and captivating shows, transforming their creative journeys into a year-round adventure.

Donate Now

The curtains have closed on the gala, and the enchanting show of "VHS Christmas Carol" has left us with hearts full of joy and wonder. But fear not! The spirit of giving and support for accessible theater education continues to shine brightly at New Works - Newer Than Ever!

While the gala and the show might be over, the opportunity to be part of our mission is still very much alive. You can still actively participate and champion the cause in multiple ways. The silent auction remains open, beckoning you to bid on exclusive items that promise captivating adventures and delightful moments. Whether it's securing tickets to phenomenal shows or experiencing magical encounters with beloved characters, your bids directly impact our mission.

For those who wish to offer direct support, consider making a donation directly to New Works. Your generous contribution will be a cornerstone in creating opportunities for budding talents in our community. Also consider contributing to our cause by donating auction items that promise unique and unforgettable experiences. Each donated item fuels our efforts to reach our $15,000 goal, supporting scholarships, classes, and productions that uplift aspiring artists.

Thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your involvement in this ongoing campaign is pivotal in making theater education accessible year-round. Together, let's continue to empower aspiring artists and nurture their dreams to flourish on stage and beyond!

Join us in this journey by donating auction items, bidding on our current offerings, or making a direct donation to New Works. Every action you take brings us closer to a more inclusive and vibrant arts community!


Help Us - Help Them

By donating to New Works, you're not just supporting a theater education nonprofit; you're investing in the creative potential of young students. Your contribution empowers us to provide accessible theater classes and performance opportunities to those who may otherwise miss out on this transformative experience. Join us in shaping a future where the performing arts are within reach for all, nurturing self-expression, self-confidence, and a lifelong love for the arts.


What Your Donation Unlocks

  • By contributing to our 'Newer Than Ever' campaign, donors unlock the potential for semester-long theater classes, catering to students of all skill levels. From beginner to advanced, our classes in acting, improv, musical theater performance, and a surprise musical and play promise to nurture creativity and artistic growth year-round.

  • Our musicals offer students a golden opportunity to gain invaluable real-world theater experience. Stay tuned for the exciting show announcement, coming your way once we hit the halfway mark in donations.

  • For students seeking acting experience but leaning away from musical theater, New Works proudly presents its first play! Be on the edge of your seats as we reveal our chosen play once we reach the impressive three-fourths milestone in our campaign.

  • At New Works, our commitment to accessible theater education is unwavering. With each class we introduce, a dedicated number of spaces will be set aside, ensuring that students who may face financial barriers have an opportunity to join our programs without hesitation.

Fundraiser Events

Fundraiser Events

Thankful for Theatre

November 23rd
On Social Media

Join us on November 23rd for 'Thankful for Theatre,' an unforgettable social media event where theater enthusiasts share their personal journeys and past performances, expressing the profound impact of theater on their lives. Be a part of this heartwarming celebration, and don't forget to show your love by contributing to our 'Newer Than Ever' campaign, helping us pave the way for spring classes and performances.

Don’t Be A Scrooge

December 1st
on Social Media

In late November, participate in our 'Don't Be A Scrooge' event, where we invite you to make a donation as small as $5, the price of a comforting cocoa, to support our campaign. As an exciting incentive, reaching a specific milestone unlocks a sneak preview of 'Scrooge' in VHS Christmas Carol. Join us in spreading warmth and holiday cheer while helping us achieve our goals.

VHS Christmas Carol

December 8th - 10th
The Starlighter

VHS Christmas Carol is our first winter show - a heart warming 80’s themed retelling of a Christmas Carol originally created by Team Starkid. This amazing show is a short 45 minute production but will keep you entertained all the way through! Ticket Sales will be counted towards our fundraiser so support us by coming out to see the show!

Newer Than Ever Gala

December 9th
The Starlighter

Mark your calendar for December 9th, as we host a grand gala to celebrate the magic of theater and the second to last show of 'VHS Christmas Carol.' This event features a silent auction, bringing together artists, supporters, and the community. It's your chance to witness a spectacular show and contribute to our mission of providing year-round theater education to students.

New Year for New Works

December 30th
On Social Media

To wrap up the fundraiser in style, we'll take a journey through New Works' incredible event history, reflecting on the campaign's impact and revealing the exciting spring classes to come. Join us on social media, where we'll shine the spotlight on past students, proud parents, and the talented performers who've graced the stages of New Works shows. It's a celebration of our shared love for theater and the bright future we're building together.

Want to meet?